Tag Archives: Refracta Installer

ExTiX 17.5, Build 170508, with KDE 4.16.12 together with KDE Frameworks 5.31.0, Refracta Tools and kernel 4.11.0-1-exton

I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 17.5 KDE Live DVD. (The previous version was 17.0 from 161221). The best thing with ExTiX 17.5 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. So easy that a ten year child can do it!

ExTiX 17.5
KDE DVD 64 bit is based on Debian 8.7 Jessie/Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 17.04. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Unity (Ubuntu). After removing Unity I have installed KDE Frameworks 5.31.0 with KDE 4.16.12. KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms.

The system language is ENGLISH.

My special kernel 4.11.0-1-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s kernel 4.11-rc8.

What’s new in Linux kernel 4.11?

NEWS ABOUT ExTiX 17.5 Build 170508 with the KDE Desktop environment and Refracta Tools
1. ExTiX KDE is based on Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus. KDE 4.16.12 is used as Desktop environment. All packages have been updated to the latest version by 170508. Kernel 4.11.0-1-exton is used. (Kernel.org‘s kernel 4.11-rc8).
2. I have removed Google Chrome. It is now possible to watch Netflix movies in Firefox.
3. I have installed BlueGriffon Web Editor. BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it’s a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards. Only to be compared with Dreamweaver. (In my opinion).
4. Other included important/useful packages are: LibreOffice, Thunderbird, GParted, Brasero, SMPlayer, GCC and other compilation tools so that you can install packages from source. Furthermore “all” multimedia codecs. Everything the average Linux user could wish for I would say.
5. The best thing with ExTiX 17.5 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. Very easy to do.

Screenshot 1 of ExTiX 17.5 Desktop – KDE 4.16.12 – NetworkManager running
Screenshot 2 of ExTiX 17.5 Desktop – Synaptic running
Screenshot 3 of ExTiX 17.5 Desktop – Samba running


MeX 64 bit Linux based on Ubuntu 16.04.2 with Cinnamon 3.2.8 and kernel 4.10.8 – Build 170501

NEWS/CHANGES 170501 in MeX
Mex Linux is no longer based on Linux Mint. MeX Build 170501 is based only on Debian 8.7 and Ubuntu 16.04.2. I have replaced the original kernel with “my” special kernel 4.10.0-19-exton (4.10.8). All packages in MeX Linux have been upgraded to the latest version by 170501. This version of MeX uses Cinnamon 3.2.8. Linux Mint 18.1 also uses Cinnamon 3.2.8 as Desktop environment.

MORE MeX NEWS 170501
1. The MeX ISO is now a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive.
2. Another big improvement is that MeX now can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 5 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can eject the disc (DVD)/USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run MeX that way. The ISO file is of only 980 MB so MeX will run superfast from RAM!
3. I have replaced Google Chrome with Firefox. Google Chrome is no longer needed to be able to run Netflix in Linux.
4. The best thing with this new MeX build – Create your own installable Ubuntu 16.04.2 Live DVD with Refracta tools (pre-installed)! The whole “remasterprocess” is so simple that a 10 year old child can do it.

WHY NOT Ubuntu 17.04?
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Long Term Support) is supported by Ubuntu until April 2021. Ubuntu 16.10 is supported until July 2017 and Ubuntu 17.04 until January 2018.

Important about Refracta
You can use the Refracta tools (pre-installed in MeX Build 170501) to create your own installable Ubuntu Live DVD once you have installed MeX to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Ubuntu 16.04.2 live system. When you start Refracta it will look like this. You don’t even have to install MeX to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Ubuntu system while running MeX from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) will only take 5 – 10 min! You can then install VirtualBox in MeX so you can test run your own created new Ubuntu ISO. Or do it in Windows. Btw: You can do the whole thing in VirtualBox. I mean install MeX in VirtualBox, change everything, create a new Ubuntu 16.04.2 system using Refracta tools and transfer your new ISO to your server with FileZilla (sudo apt-get install filezilla).

Screenshot 1 – Refracta tools running
Screenshot 2 – Spotify running (install Spotify with sudo apt-get install spotify-client)
Screenshot 3 – Cinnamon 3.2.8 Desktop with Samba
Screenshot 4 – Cinnamon 3.2.8 Desktop with Refracta2USB running
Screenshot 5 – Cinnamon 3.2.8 Desktop with SMPlayer running
Screenshot 6 – Firefox with Netflix running
Screenshot 7 – Boot screen live
Screenshot 8 – Boot screen Grub



ExLight 64 bit Linux with Enlightenment 0.20, kernel 4.9.0-11-exton and Refracta Tools (create your own Ubuntu system)

NOTE: Version 170105 replaces version 161016.

1. ExLight is now based on Ubuntu 16.10 (alias Yakkety Yak) and Debian Jessie/Stretch.
2. I have upgraded the Desktop environment Enlightenment (Beauty at your fingertips) to version (from 0.19.12).
3. I have replaced kernel 4.8.0-21-exton with my special kernel 4.9.0-11-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s stable kernel 4.9. If you want to use “my” kernel in another Ubuntu/Debian system you can download it.
4. ExLight’s ISO file is now a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can then even run ExLight from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence!
5. Another big improvement is that ExLight can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 4 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run ExLight that way.
6. The installation program Ubiquity (Ubuntu’s live installer) has been replaced with Refracta Installer. Very simple to use! A new user (your user) will be created during the installation process. The reason for the replacement is that Ubiquity is a bit too complicated and that the program crashes once in a while.
7. I have installed Nvidia’s proprietary graphics driver 375.26.
8. I have added seven animated wallpapers.
9. MOST IMPORTANT: I’ve added Refracta Snapshot, which make it possible for you to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. I mean change everything to your liking, fire up Refracta Snapshot and wait 3 – 5 min until your new ISO is ready!

What’s new in kernel 4.9?

enlightenment-logoInstalled packages
The Desktop Environment is Enlightenment (Beauty at your fingertips). Kernel 4.9.0-11-exton is used. (Kernel.org‘s stable kernel 4.9). Program content: Refracta Tools, Libre Office, Synaptic, GParted, SMPlayer (an alternative to Vlc), Wicd, PCManFM, Google Chrome (for watching Netflix movies) and Gimp. Furthermore compilation tools so that you can install programs from source. I have also included Nvidia’s proprietary graphics driver 375.26. It has support for the following GPUs (among others): Quadro M3000 SE, GeForce 10, GeForce 900, GeForce 800A, GeForce 800M, GeForce 700, Quadro Series, GeForce GTX 970M and GeForce GTX 980M. Study the full ExLight program LIST. All packages have been updated to the latest available version as at January 5, 2017.

Some cool things to do in ExLight Linux…

ExLight – running Refracta Snapshot
ExLight running Google Chrome with Netflix
ExLight running Spotify
ExLight running Samba
ExLight running in VMware

READ MORE about ExLight…

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Exton|OS Build 161231 with Mate 1.6.0, Refracta Tools (build your own live Ubuntu system) and kernel 4.9.0-11-exton

NEWS 161231 ABOUT Exton|OS with Mate 1.16.0 and Refracta Tools
The Desktop Environment is Mate 1.16 (A fork of GNOME 2. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems). Program content in build 161231: Refracta Tools, Firefox, Google Chrome (for Netflix), Gimp, Vlc and GParted. Also all necessary additions in order to install programs from source. All packages have been updated to the latest available version as at December 31, 2016. Study the NEW PACKAGE list.

WHAT’S NEW in MATE 1.16?


Refracta tools are pre-installed in Exton|OS Mate Build 161231. Use them to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. I mean create your own installable Ubuntu 16.10 Live DVD once you have installed Exton|OS to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Ubuntu live system. Start Refracta from Applications >> System Tools >> Refracta Snapshot. You don’t even have to install Exton|OS to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Ubuntu system while running Exton|OS from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) will only take 5 – 10 min!  You’ll find the ISO in /home/snapshots. The whole thing is very simple. Refracta Installer replaces Ubiquity (Ubuntu’s installer). Refracta Installer is also very simple to use. No “expert knowledge” is needed.

Exton|OS build 161231 is based on Ubuntu 16.10 64 bit and Debian Stretch/Sid (upcoming Debian 9). Exton|OS’s ISO file is a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can even run Exton|OS from a USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! Read my INSTRUCTION. For persistence please read under B) or use UNetbootin in Windows or Linux.

Screenshot 1
of Exton|OS’s Mate Desktop
Screenshot 2 of Exton|OS’s Mate Desktop running Spotify
Screenshot 3 of Exton|OS’s Mate Desktop running Refracta Snapshot


ExTiX 17.0, Build 161221, with KDE 4.16 together with KDE Frameworks 5.26.0, Refracta Tools and kernel 4.9 (latest)

I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 17.0 KDE Live DVD. (The previous version was 16.4 from 160731). The best thing with ExTiX 17.0 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system.

ExTiX 17.0
KDE DVD 64 bit is based on Debian 8.6 Jessie/Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 16.10. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Unity (Ubuntu). After removing Unity I have installed KDE Frameworks 5.26.0 with KDE 4.16. KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms.

The system language is ENGLISH.

My special kernel 4.9.0-11-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s kernel 4.9 – latest as of 161221. You can download “my” kernel if you want to use it in another Ubuntu/Debian system. Extract ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.9.0-11-exton.zip with the command unzip ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.9.0-11-exton.zip.

What’s new in Linux kernel 4.9?

NEWS ABOUT ExTiX 17.0 Build 161221 with the KDE Desktop environment and Refracta Tools
1. ExTiX KDE is based on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak. KDE 4.16 is used as Desktop environment. All packages have been updated to the latest version by 161221. Kernel 4.9.0-11-exton is used. (Kernel.org‘s latest kernel 4.9).
2. Google Chrome is used as Web Browser, which makes it possible to watch Netflix movies. It is not possible in Firefox (in Linux).
3. I have also installed BlueGriffon Web Editor. BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it’s a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards. Only to be compared with Dreamweaver. (In my opinion).
4. Other included important/useful packages are: LibreOffice, Thunderbird, GParted, Brasero, SMPlayer, GCC and other compilation tools so that you can install packages from source. Furthermore “all” multimedia codecs. Everything the average Linux user could wish for I would say.
5. The best thing with ExTiX 17.0 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system.

Screenshot 1 of ExTiX 17.0 Desktop – KDE 4.16 – Netflix running
Screenshot 2 of ExTiX 17.0 Desktop – Synaptic running
Screenshot 3 of ExTiX 17.0 Desktop – Samba running


LFA 64bit LINUX Live DVD Build 161114 – Create you own Linux For All/Ubuntu 16.10 live installable system!

lfa-refracta-tools-runningAbout Linux For All (LFA)
The system is based on Ubuntu 16.10, codenamed
Yakkety Yak and Debian testing (Stretch – upcoming Debian 9). It’s a total rebuild. I.e. nothing is left of the old LFA system. All installed packages have been updated to the latest version as of 161114. Kernel 4.4.0-19-exton is replaced by kernel 4.8.0-27-exton. (4.8.0-27 is the latest Ubuntu kernel). You can download “my” kernel if you want to use it in another Ubuntu/Debian system. I have also installed Nvidia’s proprietary graphics driver 370.28. Most important: I have included Refracta Tools so you can create your own Linux For All/Ubuntu live installable system!

The system language is ENGLISH.

More news about LFA build 161114
One of my previous versions of LFA (build 141120) had four (4) Desktop environments installed. Namely Unity (Ubuntu), LXDE, Razor-qt and XBMC. LFA build 161114 uses only Fluxbox as Window Manager and Cairo-Dock as Desktop Interface. Cairo-Dock is designed to be light, fast and customizable, and is desktop-agnostic. It has a powerful DBus interface, to be controlled from a terminal or another application. Features can be added by plug-ins or applets, and applets can be written in C or in any language. About Fluxbox: Fluxbox is a Window Manager for X that was based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. It is very light on resources and easy to handle but yet full of features to make an easy, and extremely fast, desktop experience. So who needs KDE or Gnome?

Screenshot 1: LFA’s new Desktop
Screenshot 2: Refracta Installer running
Screenshot 3: Refracta Tools running

Important about Refracta
You can use the Refracta tools (pre-installed in LFA Build 161114) to create your own installable Ubuntu Live DVD once you have installed LFA to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Ubuntu 16.10 live system. When you start Refracta it will look like this. You don’t even have to install LFA to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Ubuntu live installable system while running LFA from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) will only take 5 – 10 min! You can then install VirtualBox in LFA so you can test run your own created new Ubuntu ISO. Or do it in Windows. By the way: You can do the whole thing in VirtualBox. I mean install LFA in VirtualBox, change everything, create a new Ubuntu 16.10 system using Refracta tools and transfer your new ISO to your server using FileZilla, which is pre-installed.


Create your own Ubuntu 16.04.1/16.10 64 bit live installable system using MeX and Refracta tools (pre-installed)!

Mex Linux is no longer based on Linux Mint. MeX Build 161030 is based only on Debian 8.6 and Ubuntu 16.04.1. I have replaced the original kernel with “my” special kernel 4.8.0-25-exton. All packages in MeX Linux have been upgraded to the latest version by 161030. This version of MeX uses Cinnamon 3.0.7. Linux Mint 18 also uses Cinnamon 3.0.7 as Desktop environment.

mex-refracta-spotify-smallMORE MeX NEWS 161030
1. The MeX ISO is now a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive.
2. Another big improvement is that MeX now can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 5 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can eject the disc (DVD)/USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run MeX that way. The ISO file is of only 1000 MB so MeX will run superfast from RAM!
3. The best thing with this new MeX build – Create your own installable Ubuntu Live DVD with Refracta tools (pre-installed)!

Important about Refracta
You can use the Refracta tools (pre-installed in MeX Build 161030) to create your own installable Ubuntu Live DVD once you have installed MeX to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Ubuntu 16.04 or 16.10 live system. When you start Refracta it will look like this. You don’t even have to install MeX to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Ubuntu system while running MeX from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) will only take 5 – 10 min! You can then install VirtualBox in MeX so you can test run your own created new Ubuntu ISO. Or do it in Windows. Btw: You can do the whole thing in VirtualBox. I mean install MeX in VirtualBox, change everything, create a new Ubuntu 16.04.1/16.10 system using Refracta tools and transfer your new ISO to your server with FileZilla (sudo apt-get install filezilla).

Screenshot 1 – Refracta tools running
Screenshot 2 – Spotify running (install it with sudo apt-get install spotify-client)
Screenshot 3 – Cinnamon 3.0.7 Desktop with Samba
Screenshot 4 – Cinnamon 3.0.7 Desktop with Refracta2USB running
Screenshot 5 – Cinnamon 3.0.7 Desktop with SMPlayer running
Screenshot 6 – Google Chrome with Netflix running
Screenshot 7 – Boot screen