Tag Archives: Raspberry Pi 4

FedEX Rpi5 (Fedora 41 ARM64) for Raspberry Pi 5 and Pi 4 with GNOME 47 :: Build 250105

FedEX Rpi5 for Raspberry Pi 5 and 4 is a “remaster” of the Fedora Project’s Fedora 41 Workstation build for ARM64 (aarch64).

FedEX Rpi5 uses the GNOME 47 Desktop. (As the original system does). The original Fedora 41 ARM64 system can only run a Raspberry Pi 4 computer. You may be able to start it on a Rpi 5, but you can’t make the keyboard and mouse work. My Build works very well on a Raspberry Pi 5 computer though. You can also run FedEX Rpi5 on a Rpi 4 computer if you switch /boot/config.txt to /boot/config-rpi4.txt. Watch this screenshot…

The system is quite fast and responsive. All included applications work very well.

WHO SHOULD RUN FedEX Rpi5 for Raspberry Pi 5 and 4?
My answer: The system fits the “advanced” Linux user/enthusiast, who would be willing to run an occasional command from time to time.

1. The Desktop for the ordinary user pi
2. The Desktop for root
3. Running YouTube showing very good video quality
4. Running dnf update 250105


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 4 and  Pi 3/2 at raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd 15 (with GAPPS), RaspAnd 14 (also with GAPPS), 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!



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RaspArch Rpi5 Build 240302 :: Run Arch Linux (aarch64) with the LXQt DE on your new Raspberry Pi 5 computer :: Install using Rufus or Etcher in Windows!

RaspArch Build 240302 especially for the new Raspberry Pi 5 released on October 23, 2023

RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM (aarch64/arm64) system. It can only run on a Raspberry Pi 5 or Raspberry Pi 4 computer. The previous RaspArch version was from 230908 (32 bit). All included packages have been updated to the latest version as of 240302. The Desktop Environment is LXQt 1.4. You can log in to LXQt from SLiM as the normal user archpi or as root.

RASPBERRY Pi 5 and 4
RaspArch is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 5 released on October 23, 2023 (4GB and 8GB), but can also be used on a Raspberry Pi 4.
NOTE: A Raspberry Pi 5 is about twice as fast as the Raspberry Pi 4.

WHO should run Arch Linux/RaspArch?
My answer: The system fits the “advanced” Linux user/enthusiast, who would be willing to run an occasional command from time to time.


Everything works! The System is responsive and quite fast, especially if you use a Rpi 5 computer to run it.

There is no other Arch Linux ARM System for Raspberry Pi 5 (as far as I know). Not for downloading anyhow.

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop
– logged in as archpi
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as root
Screenshot 3 – logged in as root 2
Screenshot 4 – Samba connection to a Windows computer


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

RaspArch Rpi4 Build 230908 :: Run Arch Linux with Enlightenment DE on your new Raspberry Pi 4 computer :: Install using Rufus 4.2, Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher in Windows!

RaspArch Build 230908 especially for the “new” Raspberry Pi 4 released in May 2020
This version (230908) is especially made for the “new” Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

RaspArch is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of about 230 MB. When I added the Enlightenment 0.25.4 (latest version) Desktop Environment (DE), the LXDE DE, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yay, Gimp and NetworkManager the system size increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B computer. RaspArch Build 230908 replaces RaspArch Build 221202. Build 221202 had only the LXDE DE installed. I.e. not Enlightenment.

NEWS in RaspArch Build 230908
A new kernel – 6.1.47-1-rpi-ARCH. All included packages have been updated to the latest version as of 230908. I’ve also replaced Yaourt with Yay – Yet Another Yogurt – An AUR Helper Written in Go. I came to know that Yaourt is dead. I.e. Yaourt is not being developed anymore. I have also installed PulseAudio. I’ve replaced the LightDM Display Manager with SLiM. Finally the sound works very well in RaspArch. Nice if you like YouTube. I’ve also replaced Wicd with NetworkManager. It works better. NOTE: To be able to install Yay I had to install a lot of development tools. When logged in as the normal user archpi you will enjoy the Enlightenment DE. When logged in as root you will enter the LXDE DE from SLiM. The password for archpi is raspberry. The password for root is root.

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop
– logged in as archpi
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as root
Screenshot 3 – showing how to change wallpaper in Enlightenment


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

RaspAnd 13 (Android 13) for Raspberry Pi 4 with Aptoide Store, F-Droid Store, Spotify, Bluetooth, AIDA64, Firefox and Clash of Clans pre-installed :: Build 230616

ABOUT RaspAnd 13 – Build 230616
RaspAnd 13 runs very well on a Raspberry Pi 4. I.e. the system is pretty responsive if you use a micro SD card of good quality. RaspAnd 13 has the following apps pre-installed: Aptoide App Store, F-Droid Store (Free and Open Source App Repository), Spotify, Firefox Browser (so you can watch YouTube), Termux (terminal emulator), Clash of Clans and Aida64.

ABOUT Android 13, which was released in August 2022…
Read also an article about The Evolution of Android  – List of Android Versions and Release Dates.

PLEASE NOTE that you must be aware of the fact that the Raspberry Pi 4 computer has its limitations and that Android 13 is a very advanced Linux system. Having said that I must also say that the apps I have included in this Build (see above) work very well.

1. Your first screen after boot
2. Open Settings after boot – you must choose to set up your Network WiFi connection
3. Your third screen after boot – choose your language (works very well)
4. The Desktop with all pre-installed apps
5. F-Droid running
6. Spotify running
7. Clash of Clans running
8. A Chess game running
9. AIDA64 running and showing the system features
10. Aptoide App Store running


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

RaspArch Rpi4 Build 221127 :: Run Arch Linux on your new Raspberry Pi 4 computer :: Install it using Rufus 3.20, Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher in Windows!

rasparch-logoRaspArch Build 221127 especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4 released in May 2020
This version (221127) is especially made for
the “new” Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

NEWS 221202
I have uploaded a new version of RaspArch after I’ve discovered a better way to configure the system. I.e. I’ve replaced /boot/config.txt with this file. The new configuration makes the system automatically choose the best possible resolution for your monitor. Watch this screenshot when I’m using a 3440×1440 (Ultrawide) monitor.
NOTE: If you already have installed RaspArch Build 221127 you don’t have to reinstall. Just replace /boot/config.txt with the one I’ve provided – see above. Then reboot. You will probably notice a big difference.

RaspArch is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of about 230 MB. After I have added the LXDE Desktop environment, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yay, Gimp and NetworkManager the system has increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B computer.

More about RaspArch
When you have installed RaspArch to your Micro SD Card you can use the system like any other Arch Linux system. I.e. install new programs etc. Arch motto is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). RaspArch uses kernel 5.15.79-2-rpi-ARCH and the LXDE Desktop environment.

WHO should run Arch Linux/RaspArch?
My answer: The system fits the “advanced” Linux user/enthusiast, who would be willing to run an occasional command from time to time.


Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as archpi
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as root
Screenshot 3 – Using Yay (while installing SMPlayer)
Screenshot 4 – Samba connection to a Windows computer
Screenshot 5 – showing that you can watch 4K videos using Firefox


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

RaspAnd 12 (Android 12) for Raspberry Pi 4 with Google Play Services, Spotify, Bluetooth, F-Droid Store, AIDA64, Firefox and Clash of Clans pre-installed :: Build 220419

ABOUT RaspAnd 12 – Build 220419
RaspAnd 12 runs very well on a Raspberry Pi 4. I.e. the system is pretty responsive if you use a micro SD card of good quality. RaspAnd 12 has the following apps pre-installed: Google Play Services (and some other Google apps), Spotify, Firefox Browser (so you can watch YouTube), F-Droid (Free and Open Source App Repository), Clash of Clans and Aida64. You’ll need Google Play Services for some games to work. Among them Clash of Clans.

ABOUT Android 12, which was released 211004…
Read also an article about The Evolution of Android – List of Android Versions and Release Dates.

PLEASE NOTE that you must be aware of the fact that the Raspberry Pi 4 computer has its limitations and that Android 12 is a very advanced Linux system. Having said that I must also say that the apps I have included in this Build (see above) work very well.

1. Your first screen after boot
2. Your second screen after boot – you must choose to set up your Network connection offline
3. Your third screen after boot – choose your language (works very well)
4. The Desktop with all pre-installed apps
5. F-Droid running
6. Spotify running
7. Termux running (installing Android Debug Bridge – adb/Android Tools)
8. Clash of Clans running
9. A Chess game running
10. AIDA64 running and showing the system features


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

RaspEX Rpi4 based on upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 LTS “Jammy Jellyfish” with LXDE, kernel 5.15.24-exton-v7l+, Raspotify, RealVNC, PuTTy, Samba and Bluetooth :: Build 220228

NEWS 220228 about RaspEX with LXDE based on upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish.
I have upgraded the whole system and replaced the old kernel 5.10.87-exton-v7l+ with kernel 5.15.24-exton-v7l+. RaspEX Build 220228 is a Linux ARM (32bit) system for Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB/4GB/8GB RAM and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. It is based on Debian, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). Both Firefox and Chromium Browser are pre-installed. I have also installed Samba and RealVNC so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 4 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). Furthermore some extra Network Tools, SMTube (YouTube browser which allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos), PulseAudio for better sound in YouTube and RaspotifyRaspotify is a Spotify Connect client for Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi that just works. Study all installed packages in RaspEX Build 220228.

Most IMPORTANT News/Changes in Build 220228
1. I have installed an old version of Chromium with DRM/Widevine support, which means that you can watch Netflix (and possibly also HBO, YouTube TV, Amazon Prime Video, etc.) using the Chromium Browser. I did that following the instructions here.
2. In this build of RaspEX you can also run Chromium/Firefox logged in as root. You will have sound, which you normally won’t have as root on Debian/Ubuntu systems.

Screenshot 1 – raspex’s Desktop 220228
Screenshot 2 – root’s Desktop 220228
Screenshot 3 – running Netflix in Chromium
Screenshot 4 – showing that hardware acceleration is enabled
Screenshot 5 – showing how to configure sound using Pavucontrol


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!


RaspArch Rpi4 Build 220216 :: Run Arch Linux on your new Raspberry Pi 4 computer :: Install it using Rufus 3.17, Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher in Windows!

RaspArch Build 220216 especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4 released in May 2020
This version (220216) is especially made for the new Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

RaspArch is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of about 230 MB. After I have added the LXDE Desktop environment, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yay, Gimp and NetworkManager the system has increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B computer.

WHO should run Arch Linux/RaspArch?
My answer: The system fits the “advanced” Linux user/enthusiast, who would be willing to run an occasional command from time to time.

Study all installed packages in RaspArch…

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as archpi
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as root


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

RaspEX Rpi4 based on upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 LTS “Jammy Jellyfish” with LXDE, kernel 5.10.87-exton-v7l+, Raspotify, RealVNC, PuTTy, Samba and Bluetooth :: Build 211221

NEWS 211221 about RaspEX with LXDE based on upcoming Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish.
I have upgraded the whole system and replaced the old kernel 5.4.83-exton-v7l+ with kernel 5.10.87-exton-v7l+. RaspEX Build 211221 is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB/4GB/8GB RAM and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. It is based on Debian, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). Both Firefox and Midori Private Browser are pre-installed. I have also installed Samba and RealVNC so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 4 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). Furthermore some extra Network Tools, SMTube (YouTube browser which allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos), PulseAudio for better sound in YouTube and RaspotifyRaspotify is a Spotify Connect client for Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi that just works. Study all installed packages in RaspEX Build 211221.

More about RaspEX

RaspEX is a full Linux Desktop system with LXDE (an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment) with many other useful programs pre-installed. Firefox is used as Web Browser and Synaptic as Package Manager. You can use Samba and RealVNC to connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 4 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). You can use Synaptic to install any extra packages you may need. For example LibreOffice. RaspEX uses Ubuntu’s software repositories so you can install thousands of extra packages if you want.

Kernel 5.10.87-exton-v7l+ (for Rpi 4) and 5.10.87-exton-v7+ (for Rpi 3/2) are used in Build 211221.

Why shall I use RaspEX?
Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Raspberrypi.org. Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Bullseye) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member at this site thought that running RaspEX (for Raspberry Pi 2 Model B) was like running Raspberry Pi on “steroids“. If you use the new Raspberry Pi 4 RaspEX will run even faster!

Screenshot 1 – raspex’s Desktop 211221
Screenshot 2 – root’s Desktop 211221
Screenshot 3 – running YouTube in Firefox
Screenshot 4 – RaspEX connected to Windows 10 via PuTTy
Screenshot 5 – RaspEX “running on” Windows 10 with VNC-viewer
Screenshot 6 – RaspEX using Pavucontrol (for sound control)
Screenshot 7 – RaspEX running Raspotify


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

Yet another version of RaspEX Kodi 64-bit :: Now based on Debian 11 stable with the LXQt Desktop and Kodi 19.1 “Matrix” stable – Build 210904

NEWS 210904 about RaspEX Kodi 64-bit
I’ve made a new extra version of RaspEX Kodi 64-bit. This version is based on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS) and Debian Bullseye (Debian 11 stable). The LXDE Desktop is replaced with LXQt 0.16.0 which has a more “modern look” than LXDE. Historically, LXQt is the product of the merge between LXDE-Qt, an initial Qt flavour of LXDE, and Razor-qt, a project aiming to develop a Qt based desktop environment with similar objectives as the current LXQt. In RaspEX Kodi Build 210904 I’ve upgraded Kodi to version 19.1 Matrix since it has reached the “stable stage”. You can now much easier install extra repositories. Read about the best Kodi repos 2021.

NOTE: Build 210904 (64-bit) is missing the Netflix addon. Widevine CDM (which is necessary for Netflix to work) is not available natively on ARM64.

Boot problems as regards RaspEX Kodi Build 210904

If you can’t boot up the system after installing to the SD card using Rufus 3.15 in Windows it’s because the files /boot/cmdline.txt and /etc/fstab has the wrong content. I.e. the PARTUUID for the card is wrong. Then you’ll have to edit said files. Do it like this.
1. Start up a Linux system (Ubuntu or…).
2. Insert your SD card with RaspEX Kodi installed. It will be seen as /dev/sdb1 (boot partition) and /dev/sdb2 (root filesystem).
3. To find out the correct PARTUUID for /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 run the command blkid /dev/sdb1 respectively blkid /dev/sdb2
4. Now change to the correct PARTUUID in /boot/cmdline.txt and /etc/fstab on the SD card. Use Leafpad or Mousepad for that. Never LibreOffice writer!

The file cmdline.txt can look like this:
console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=347a28ab-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles

The file fstab can look like this:
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
PARTUUID=347a28ab-01 /boot vfat defaults 0 2
PARTUUID=347a28ab-02 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
# a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here
# use dphys-swapfile swap[on|off] for that

Study all installed packages in Build 210904…

Log in to LXQt or Kodi
After the boot process is ready you will end up at LightDM‘s login screen. It will look like this – see below. Log in as pi with password raspberry or as root (“other”) with password root. You can log in to Kodi directly from LightDM if you want. While inside LXQt you can change to the Kodi Desktop environment. You can run Kodi on the LXQt Desktop like any other program or run it in full screen. Just change Kodi’s Settings from Windowed to Fullscreen. Watch this screenshot.

Expand the filesystem on the SD card
If you install many new big programs and/or download large files (for example videos) you may run out of space on the SD card. That is best fixed by running the following command: sudo raspi-config. Click on “Advanced Options” and choose A1 Expand Filesystem.
NOTE: That’s all you have to do. Just wait for the script to fix everything. If you use a SD card of 64 GB all the space on it will be used afterwards. Watch a screenshot when raspi-config is running.
1. Screenshot showing filesystem size before resizing
2. Screenshot showing filesystem size after resizing

API and Authentication keys
Google and Netflix make it more and more difficult to use the YouTube and Netflix addons in Kodi. They demand API and Authentication keys. As regards YouTube I’ve managed to solve the problem permanently. As regards Netflix you’ll have to create your Authentication key yourself. (Not as regards this version of RaspEX Kodi, since the Netflix addon can’t be used – see above).
Follow this instruction.
1. Read this INFO site. Then do this:
2. Download NFAuthenticationKey_Linux.zip
3. unzip NFAuthenticationKey_Linux.zip
4. cd NFAuthenticationKey_Linux
5. Run the script with the command python3 NFAuthenticationKey.pyscreenshot
6. Follow the instructions on the screen and save your Authentication key in /home/pi
7. Remember to take a note of the created four-digit PIN code
8. Open the Netflix addon in Kodi and choose to login with the the Authentication key you have created – screenshot
9. Find your Authentication key in /home/pi – screenshot
10. Give Netflix you password – done! – screenshot.

Your monitor/screen resolution
If you experience problems with the screen resolution you may have to make some changes in /boot/config.txt. The eight last lines in /boot/config.txt have the following content.
## exton
# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver
# dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
## exton end
My screen resolution is 3440×1440. If you have for example 1920×1080 you should change the line dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d,cma-344 to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d,cma-192.

Used kernels

5.10.60-exton-v8l+ (for Rpi 4) and 5.10.60-v7+ (for Rpi 3 and 2).

Compatibility :: September 2021
Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 will run on the new Raspberry Pi 4 computer. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, exGENT, RaspEX BunsenLabs, RaspEX Kodi, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2, RaspAnd Oreo 8.1, RaspAnd Pie, RaspAnd 10, RaspAnd 11 Build 210321, EXTON OpSuS Rpi, FedEX Rpi3 and RaspArch. I have until now (210321) only upgraded RaspAnd 11, RaspAnd 10, RaspEX, RaspEX Kodi, RaspArch, exGENT and RaspEX with OpenCPN. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 4.

1. The LXQt Desktop running as user pi
2. The LXQt Desktop running as root

3. Kodi 19.1 system info
4. Kodi running showing some addons. (The Diamond Wizard repository is not included)


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!