Tag Archives: persistence USB

KNOPPIX-EXTON 32 bit, Build 191211 – a remaster of KNOPPIX 8.6.1 – will bring your old computer back to life!

Version 8.6.1 of KNOPPIX is based on Debian/stable (Buster), with some packages from Debian/testing and unstable (Sid) for newer graphics drivers or desktop software packages. It uses kernel 5.3.5 and Xorg 7.7 (core 1.20.4) for supporting current computer hardware.

About Knoppix-Exton Build 191211
The original KNOPPIX 8.6.1 ISO is of 4320 MB. It has two kernels, 32 bit and 64 bit and almost all well-known Debian packages (including almost all KDE and Gnome packages) pre-installed. My remaster (the ISO) is of “only” 2170 MB, which makes it easier to run the system live from RAM with the boot command knoppix toram – see below.

Knoppix-Exton uses only the LXDE Desktop – screenshot. Study all installed packages in Knoppix-Exton as of 191211. You can of course add (or remove) packages even while running the system live. Use Synaptic for that. Kernel 5.3.5 is used in KNOPPIX 8.6.1/Knoppix-Exton.

Install Knoppix-Exton (KNOPPIX 8.6.1) to hard drive
KNOPPIX uses Grub Legacy as boot loader. So if you already have Grub2 installed you should avoid installing Grub when installing Knoppix-Exton. Just add start lines for Knoppix-Exton in /boot/grub/grub.cfg (in the system where you have installed Grub2). The installation program is started from the Menu –> Knoppix –> KNOPPIX HD Install – watch this screenshot.

Install Knoppix-Exton (KNOPPIX 8.6.1) to a USB stick with no persistence
Use Rufus 3.8 in Windows. It will look like this – see below.

Install/flash Knoppix-Exton (KNOPPIX 8.6.1) to a USB stick with persistence
Burn the Knoppix-Exton ISO to a DVD and start up your computer from it. Or use the USB stick created with Rufus and flash Knoppix-Exton on another USB stick. Note that you can run Knoppix-Exton live first and change everything to your liking. After that all your changes will be transferred to the USB stick if you use the “Flash Knoppix” alternative. See screenshots below.
1. GParted is started just to be sure of the correct device to install to.
2. I’m running Knoppix-Exton from /dev/sdb1. The install target is /dev/sdc (SanDisk Cruzer Contour).

Syslinux is used as boot loader when you use the “Flash Knoppix” alternative. Note that you can use this alternative also when installing KNOPPIX/Knoppix-Exton in VirtualBox or VMware. Then your whole virtual hard disk will be used. Watch this screenshot when I have installed Knoppix-Exton to hard drive in VirtualBox.

KNOPPIX cheatcodes/boot codes
When starting KNOPPIX/Knoppix-Exton live (from a DVD or USB stick) you can use certain boot commands. The command knoppix toram is just an example. Study all cheatcodes…
As you can see you can start KNOPPIX in certain languages: knoppix lang=ch|cn|de|da|es|fr|it|nl|pl|ru|sk|tr|tw|us

Using Samba to connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network
Just open the file manager PCManFM and go to (for example smb:// as this screenshot shows. You’ll find the correct IP-address by opening a Command Prompt in Windows and running the command ipconfig.

Why a remaster of KNOPPIX 8.6.1?
KNOPPIX 8.6.1 is the best Knoppix version ever. Knoppix was my very first Linux system to remaster many years ago. Nostalgia!

Knoppix-Exton can’t be downloaded anymore. The system a bit outdated by now (230924). I’ve decided to abandon this project. Latest version of KNOPPIX is 9.2 from April 2021.

Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 4 and  Pi 3/2 at raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd 15 (with GAPPS), RaspAnd 14 (also with GAPPS), 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!



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Create a bootable USB drive with persistence using Mkusb – only for Ubuntu

  OSTechNix has written an excellent article about How to create persistent live USB on Ubuntu.

I’ve tried Mkusb today and it works perfectly well. Unfortunately not on my derivatives of Ubuntu. I.e. all ExTiX versions.  That’s because they are made with Refracta Snapshot. You’ll have to use an Ubuntu original ISO image. I myself used eoan-desktop-amd64.iso (Ubuntu 19.10). As promised I could save all system changes directly on the stick. Persistence! Watch a slideshow below showing the install process.

So I can strongly recommend Mkusb!

SlackEX Build 170831 (Slackware 14.2) live dvd with KDE 4.14.35, kernel 4.12.9-x86_64-exton, Google Chrome 60.0.3112 and VirtualBox 5.1.26

Slackware is the first widely-used Linux system, which is still developing. Slackware has existed since 1993. In comparison with for example Ubuntu and Linux Mint, many people believe that Slackware is “difficult”. Any novice can quickly learn to use Ubuntu they say. My remaster of Slackware Current (14.2), which I call SlackEX 14.2/Current 64 bit Linux Live DVD, is however just as easy to use as Ubuntu and/or Linux Mint. Some tend to complain that the Program Management in Slackware is awkward. That was perhaps earlier the case, but not anymore. Now we have the Application Managers Slackpkg and GSlapt – a GTK version of slapt-get. They are a piece of cake to use! Users of Synaptic will feel at ease with GSlapt.

New features in version 170831 of SlackEX
I have replaced kernel 4.10.2-x86_64-exton with kernel 4.12.9-x86_64-exton with support for “everything”. Most important is that I have changed repositories from Slackware 14.1 to Current. I.e. Slackware 14.2. KDE is upgraded to version 4.14.35 (latest KDE version). All other component software is also upgraded to the latest Slackware Current version by now. I may also mention in particular GParted 0.29.0, VirtualBox 5.1.26 (latest, not in Slackware’s repositories), Google Chrome 60.0.3112 (not in Slackware’s repositories – you can download my build at SourceForge.net), Gimp 2.8.10 (installed from source), GSlapt 0.5.4b, Slackpkg 2.82.1, Firefox 55.0.3, Thunderbird 52.3.0, Samba 4.6.7 and GCC 7.2.0. Furthermore I have installed Grub2, which can be used as boot loader (if you want) after a hard drive install. Study the full package LIST. Note: I have replaced Wicd with NetworkManager. It works better in SlackEX.

Screenshot 1 – KDE 4.14.35 Desktop with Netflix running
Screenshot 2 – KDE 4.14.35 Desktop with VirtualBox running
Screenshot 3 – Samba running
Screenshot 4 – Nvidia configuration
Screenshot 5 – Hard drive installation of SlackEX in VirtualBox


ArchEX (Arch Linux) with LXQt, kernel 4.10.5-1-ARCH, Yaourt and Calamares installer – Build 170327

ArchEX 64 bit is a new (170327) Linux live DVD based on Arch Linux. Arch motto is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). ArchEX uses kernel 4.10.5-1-ARCH and the LXQt Desktop environment. LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment. It will not get in your way. It will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel.

What’s new in ArchEX Build 170327?
I’ve installed Calamares, which is a distribution-independent system installer, with an advanced partitioning feature for both manual and automated partitioning operations. It is the first installer with an automated “Replace Partition” option, which makes it easy to reuse a partition over and over for distribution testing. Calamares works almost perfect in ArchEX. Read more about it. I’ve also added Yaourt – a Pacman frontend. If you want to install certain special packages for example Google Chrome and Spotify you must use Yaourt. Note: Spotify is pre-installed in ArchEX Build 170327.

Among many other programs, Firefox, Gimp, GCC, Wicd and GParted – study this package LIST.

INSTALLATION to hard drive
ArchEX can easily be installed to hard drive of those who so desire. Use ArchEX Installer (Calamares). I.e. while running ArchEX live from a DVD or USB stick. Read this INSTRUCTION and watch the slideshow below.

WHO should run Arch Linux?
My answer: The system fits the “advanced” Linux user/enthusiast, who would be willing to run an occasional command from time to time.

ArchEX LXQt Desktop
ArchEX starting up live
ArchEX starting up from hard drive (VirtualBox)
ArchEX Installer (Calamares) running
ArchEX (old) Installer running

READ MORE about ArchEX…



SlackEX (Slackware 14.2) Live DVD with KDE 4.14.27, Nvidia 375.39 and kernel 4.10.2-x86_64-exton – Build 170314

SlackEX is based on Slackware Current/14.2. Slackware is the first widely-used Linux system, which is still developing. Slackware has existed since 1993. The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune or as we say in Sweden: “Gammal är äldst”.

New features in version 170314 of SlackEX
I have replaced kernel 4.7.1-x86_64-exton with kernel 4.10.2-x86_64-exton with support for “everything”. Most important is that I have changed repositories from Slackware 14.1 to Current. I.e. Slackware 14.2. KDE is upgraded to version 4.14.27 (latest KDE version). All other component software is also upgraded to the latest Slackware Current version by now. I may also mention in particular GParted 0.27.0 (latest, not in Slackware’s repositories), VirtualBox 5.1.16 (latest, not in Slackware’s repositories), Google Chrome  (not in Slackware’s repositories), Nvidia’s proprietary Graphic driver 375.39 (latest driver), Gimp 2.8.10 (installed from source), GSlapt 0.5.4b, Slackpkg 2.82.1, Firefox 52.0, Thunderbird 45.2.8, Samba 4.5.5 and GCC 5.4.0. Furthermore I have installed Grub2, which can be used as boot loader (if you want) after a hard drive install. Study the full package LIST. Note: I have replaced Wicd with NetworkManager. It works better in SlackEX.

Install SlackEX to hard drive
Use this INSTRUCTION. You can (if you want) use Grub2 (new GRUB) as boot loader. (Slackware original still uses LILO). You can (of course) also run and install SlackEX in VirtualBox and VMware.

Install SlackEX to a USB stick
Please read my INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS. NOTE: All system changes are PERSISTENT.

Why Slackware?
Slackware is grossly underestimated (in my opinion). This article give you ten (10) reasons to choose Slackware.

Screenshot 1 – KDE 4.14.27 Desktop with Netflix running
Screenshot 2 – KDE 4.14.27 Desktop with VirtualBox running
Screenshot 3 – Samba running
Screenshot 4 – GSlapt running
Screenshot 5 – Nvidia configuration


News 170309: Yet another version of exGENT (Gentoo) is out. The best version ever…

NEWS 20170309 ABOUT exGENT
I’ve made yet a new version (20170309) of exGENT based on Gentoo Linux. It uses Xfce 4.12.1 and kernel 4.9.12. It is for the 64 bit architecture. I call it exGENT 2017 Xfce4 Live DVD. It replaces version 20170303. The ISO file is of 2670 MB due to the fact that this version has a lot of packages pre-installed. Despite this exGENT version 170309 runs surprisingly fast from DVD or USB. Even in VirtualBox and VMware. Faster than most other Linux live systems. All installed packages in exGENT have been updated to the latest available version by 170309.

What’s new in exGENT Build 170309?
The boot loader Grub Legacy has been replaced by Grub2. I started this build in the hope that I should be able to implement a new independent installer program called Calamares. I wasn’t able to do it now though. (Many dependencies to satisfy). My old installer script will have to do until I find a solution. Anyway, I think exGENT Build 170309 can be of interest because of the change to Grub2 and the fact that it has one of the newest kernels installed. MOST IMPORTANT: In versions before this one (170309) the file system wasn’t writable when running exGENT live (from DVD). Now you can emerge (install) new programs/packages even while running the system from a DVD or USB stick. If you do that and later decide to install exGENT to hard drive all your changes will follow! Furthermore you can install/transfer exGENT to a USB stick with the dd command in Linux or use Etcher and Rufus in Windows. Watch a screenshot when Etcher is running. Such installations were impossible before.

My special kernel 4.9.12-aufs-gentoo-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s kernel 4.9.12.

exGENT running Nvidia config
exGENT running Brasero


Chromium OS – Exton Build 170212 – with YouTube and Spotify working fast and responsive

About ChromX
I have compiled Chromium OS from source for the second time. My first compiled version of Chromium OS is from 160525. Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web. My Chromium OS Build 170212 is for all 64 bit “normal” Desktop computers and laptops.

How do I run Chromium OS?

Normally you run Chromium OS from a USB stick, but the system can also be installed to hard drive. Could be useful if you want to bring new life to an old computer. Be aware of the fact that Chromium OS can’t be installed together with other Linux systems (or any other OS). It will “take” the whole disk.

The difference between Chromium OS and Google Chrome OS
Chromium OS is the open source project, used primarily by developers, with code that is available for anyone to checkout, modify, and build. Google Chrome OS is the Google product that OEMs ship on Chromebooks for general consumer use.

MANY APPS are pre-installed when ChromX is up and running
Showing installed apps – screenshot. As you can see it shows a lot of Android apps installed by me on my Android mobile phone using the same Gmail address as the one I’ve used to log in to Chromium in Chromium OS (ChromX). Even Google Play Store is there. All apps (for example Google Maps) work, but you can’t install new apps using Google Play Store. You can use the Chrome Web Store though.

Spotify is running – screenshot


exGENT (Gentoo) 64 bit Linux Live DVD with kernel 4.9.8-gentoo-exton – Build 170209

NEWS 20170209 about exGENT
I’ve made yet a new version (20170209) of exGENT based on Gentoo Linux. Now with Xfce 4.12.1 and kernel 4.9.8. It is for the 64 bit architecture. I call it exGENT 2017 Xfce4 Live DVD. It replaces version 20160123. The ISO file is of 2590 MB due to the fact that this version has a lot of packages pre-installed. Despite this exGENT version 170209 runs surprisingly fast from DVD or USB. Even in VirtualBox and VMware. Faster than most other Linux live systems. All installed packages in exGENT have been updated to the latest available version by 170209.

Build 170209 of exGENT replaces Build 170206
Today I discovered some errors in exGENT Build 170206. They were not important, but nevertheless annoying. Build 170209 is totally error-free (as far as I know). While I was at it I installed Google Chrome (for all Netflix addicts) and Spotify (for all music lovers).

My special kernel 4.9.8-gentoo-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s kernel 4.9.8. It’s the latest stable kernel as of now. (20170209).

What’s new in kernel 4.9.8?
Programs etc
The best thing with exGENT is the premier auto detection of hardware and the ability to easily install the system to hard drive during a live session. Installed programs: Among many others GParted, GNU Emacs, Firefox, Google Chrome, Spotify, Thunderbird, Samba, AbiWord,
Nvidia Graphics driver 375.26 and NetworkManager. Furthermore compilation tools so that you can install programs from source the Gentoo way. (After the installation to hard drive).

Quick install to Hard Drive
exGENT Linux can be installed to hard drive in 3 – 10 min. (Depending on computer type). This means that all of you who might hesitate to perform a normal Gentoo installation – which can take up to a couple of days – now have the chance to get this great Linux system (Gentoo) installed on your computers very easy.

You can easy and quick install Spotify in exGENT. Just run the command emerge spotify. The installation takes about 1 min.
NOTE: Spotify is pre-installed in Build 170209.

Google Chrome
To be able to run Netflix in exGENT you’ll need Google Chrome. Just install it with the command emerge –ask www-client/google-chrome
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3 – Netflix is running
NOTE: Google Chrome is pre-installed in Build 170209.

Who is exGENT/Gentoo for?
Experienced Linux users or those who really want to learn Linux. (Perhaps also for people who are bored with mainstream distributions like Ubuntu).

exGENT running Nvidia config
exGENT running Brasero
exGENT running Samba
exGENT running Spotify
exGENT running in VirtualBox
exGENT running in VMware
exGENT running Google Chrome and Netflix


Exton|OS Build 161231 with Mate 1.6.0, Refracta Tools (build your own live Ubuntu system) and kernel 4.9.0-11-exton

NEWS 161231 ABOUT Exton|OS with Mate 1.16.0 and Refracta Tools
The Desktop Environment is Mate 1.16 (A fork of GNOME 2. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems). Program content in build 161231: Refracta Tools, Firefox, Google Chrome (for Netflix), Gimp, Vlc and GParted. Also all necessary additions in order to install programs from source. All packages have been updated to the latest available version as at December 31, 2016. Study the NEW PACKAGE list.

WHAT’S NEW in MATE 1.16?


Refracta tools are pre-installed in Exton|OS Mate Build 161231. Use them to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. I mean create your own installable Ubuntu 16.10 Live DVD once you have installed Exton|OS to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Ubuntu live system. Start Refracta from Applications >> System Tools >> Refracta Snapshot. You don’t even have to install Exton|OS to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Ubuntu system while running Exton|OS from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) will only take 5 – 10 min!  You’ll find the ISO in /home/snapshots. The whole thing is very simple. Refracta Installer replaces Ubiquity (Ubuntu’s installer). Refracta Installer is also very simple to use. No “expert knowledge” is needed.

Exton|OS build 161231 is based on Ubuntu 16.10 64 bit and Debian Stretch/Sid (upcoming Debian 9). Exton|OS’s ISO file is a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can even run Exton|OS from a USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! Read my INSTRUCTION. For persistence please read under B) or use UNetbootin in Windows or Linux.

Screenshot 1
of Exton|OS’s Mate Desktop
Screenshot 2 of Exton|OS’s Mate Desktop running Spotify
Screenshot 3 of Exton|OS’s Mate Desktop running Refracta Snapshot