Tag Archives: LXDE Desktop

PuppEX (Puppy Linux) Noble64 – compatible with Ubuntu 24.04 – with LXDE as DE :: Build 241002

NEWS ABOUT PuppEX Noble64 24.04 241002
This Puppy derivative is a simple remaster of Noblepup64 24.08, which was released 240906 by “peebee”. It is built from Ubuntu 24.04 packages and packages built from woof-CE Recipes. Noblepup64 is one of the the best Puppy Linux systems I’ve ever tried so I decided to make it even better. My small changes of the original system:
1. I’ve replaced the original Puppy Linux Desktop with LXDE (DE for All), which I find more useful.
2. I’ve added some essential packages. Among them Samba so you can connect to your Windows computers in your home Network. Study all installed packages…
The ISO size has therefore increased from 990 MB to 1020 MB, but PuppEX runs nevertheless as fast as the original Puppy, which means that it runs very very fast! (Puppy Linux/PuppEX runs from RAM).
3. I’ve installed VirtualBox Guest Additions, which means that you can run this PuppEX version in full screen in VirtualBox. Watch this screenshot…
4. Some cosmetic changes. I.e. new wallpapers and icons.

Noblepup64.24.08/PuppEX Noble64 is compatible with Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat), which means that Ubuntu packages for Ubuntu 24.04 can be installed and used in PuppEX. You can use the Synaptic Package Manager or the apt command. (apt update, apt upgrade, apt install MyUsefulPackage etc).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The normal remasterpup2 script (which is included in all Puppy Linux versions) doesn’t work in Noblepup64 24.08. I had to use my “special remaster tricks” to be able to build PuppEX Noble64. The remasterpup2 script works very well in PuppEX Bookworm64 though. It works very well in PuppEX Slack64 15.0 too.
NOTE: Noblepup64.24.08/PuppEX Noble64 uses the original Ubuntu 24.04 repositories. Ubuntu 24.04 will be supported until April 2029

1. Running in full screen in VirtualBox
2. Showing a WiFi connection
3. The normal Desktop for root
4. Showing the SAVE option


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 4 and  Pi 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 14 (with GAPPS), 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1
(also with GAPPS)!

RaspEX Kodi for Rpi4, Rpi3 and Rpi2 with LXDE Desktop and Kodi 18.7 Media Center “Leia” with Netflix, YouTube, Plex and Amazon Video addons – Build 210205 (32-bit) and Build 200726 (64-bit)

RaspEX Kodi Build 210205 (32-bit) and 200726 (64-bit) with LXDE/Kodi Desktops
Both systems can be downloaded from SourceForge.net for free. The systems are made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB, 4GB and 2GB). RaspEX Kodi is based on Debian 11 Bullseye respectively Debian 10 Buster, Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) and Kodi Media Center. In RaspEX Kodi I’ve added the LXDE Desktop with many useful applications such as VLC Media Player and NetworkManager. Makes it easy to configure your wireless network. I’ve also upgraded Kodi to version 18.7 Leia, which makes it possible to include useful addons such as Netflix and Amazon Video. Which I’ve done in Build 210205. Study all included packages in RaspEX Kodi Build 210205 respectively Build 200726.

NOTE: Build 200726 (64-bit) is missing the Netflix and YouTube add-ons. You can (possibly) install them yourself. Without the YouTube add-on many other add-ons can’t run. Read about how to create and setup your YouTube API Key, ID and Secret for Kodi.

Used kernels
1) 5.10.12-exton-v7l+ (for Rpi4) in Build 210205
2) 5.10.12-exton-v7+ (for Rpi3 and Rpi2) in Build 210205
3) 5.4.51-v8+ (for Rpi4) in Build 200726
4) 5.4.51-v7+ (for Rpi3 and 2) in Build 200726
The system will automatically determine which Raspberry Pi you are using and load the correct kernel.

RaspEX Kodi performance
RaspEX Kodi is a very fast and responsive Rpi4 system. Much due to very low memory (RAM) usage. About 200 MB as this screenshot shows. I’ve said that RaspEX LXDE Build 210101 is very fast. RaspEX Kodi is even faster. The video and sound quality is also very very good. Even while running RaspEX Kodi on big TV screens. I.e. you can really enjoy Netflix and YouTube running on your Rpi4 mini computer!

1. Running Kodi in Build 210205
1b. Running Kodi in Build 200726
2. The LXDE Desktop logged in as the ordinary user pi in Build 210205
2b. The LXDE Desktop logged in as the ordinary user pi in Build 200726
3. Netflix running showing very good video quality
4. YouTube running showing very good video quality


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

RaspEX Kodi for Rpi4, Rpi3 and Rpi2 with LXDE Desktop and Kodi 18.5 Media Center “Leia” with Netflix, YouTube, Plex and Amazon Video addons – Build 200210

RaspEX Kodi Build 200210 with LXDE/Kodi Desktops can be downloaded from SourceForge.net for free.
The system is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4. RaspEX Kodi is based on Debian 10 Buster, Raspbian and Kodi Media Center. In RaspEX Kodi I’ve added the LXDE Desktop with many useful applications such as VLC Media Player and NetworkManager. Makes it easy to configure your wireless network. I’ve also upgraded Kodi to version 18.5 Leia, which makes it possible to include useful addons such as Netflix and Amazon Video. Which I’ve done. Study all included packages in RaspEX Kodi.

It runs very well on a the new Raspberry Pi 4. I.e. fast and responsive. Especially on the Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM – released June 24, 2019. RaspEX Kodi Build 200206 can also run on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Raspberry 3 Model B+ and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. I’ve included an extra kernel for that. The system will automatically determine which Raspberry Pi you are using and load the correct kernel.

Used kernels
1) 4.19.102-exton-v7l+ (for Rpi4)
2) 4.19.102-raspex-v7+ (for Rpi3 and Rpi2)
The system will automatically determine which Raspberry Pi you are using and load the correct kernel.

How do I install RaspEX Kodi in Windows?
Just like any other Raspberry Pi system. I.e.: Unpack the downloaded ZIP file (raspex-rpi4-kodi18.5-lxde-netflix-plex-amazon-video-2460mb-200210.zip) and transfer the IMAGE file (raspex-rpi4-kodi18.5-lxde-netflix-plex-amazon-video-6400mb-200210.img) to your Micro SD card of at least 8GB. For that you shall use Rufus 3.8 in Windows.

Install/experiment with extra Kodi Builds in RaspEX Kodi
On a web site called FireStickTricks you can find instructions how to install 27 (?!) extra Kodi Builds with their own repositories and skins. The article is called Best Kodi Builds February 2020. I have tried three of them myself. No Limits Magic, Diggz Xenon and Innovation. They are very easy to install and work very well. Perhaps you’ll find your own favorite!

Compatibility :: February 2020

Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 will run on the new Raspberry Pi 4 computer. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspEX BunsenLabs, RaspEX Kodi, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2, RaspAnd Oreo 8.1, RaspAnd Pie, EXTON OpSuS Rpi, FedEX Rpi3 and RaspArch. I have until now (200206) only upgraded RaspEX, RaspEX Kodi, RaspArch and RaspEX with OpenCPN. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 4.

1. Running Kodi
2. The LXDE Desktop logged in as the ordinary user pi
3. Netflix running showing very good video quality
4. YouTube running showing very good video quality
5. Choosing program addons in Kodi
6. The LXDE Desktop logged in as root (super admin)
7. Kodi system info
8. VLC running showing very good video quality
9. Samba connection with a Windows computer


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

KNOPPIX-EXTON 32 bit, Build 191211 – a remaster of KNOPPIX 8.6.1 – will bring your old computer back to life!

Version 8.6.1 of KNOPPIX is based on Debian/stable (Buster), with some packages from Debian/testing and unstable (Sid) for newer graphics drivers or desktop software packages. It uses kernel 5.3.5 and Xorg 7.7 (core 1.20.4) for supporting current computer hardware.

About Knoppix-Exton Build 191211
The original KNOPPIX 8.6.1 ISO is of 4320 MB. It has two kernels, 32 bit and 64 bit and almost all well-known Debian packages (including almost all KDE and Gnome packages) pre-installed. My remaster (the ISO) is of “only” 2170 MB, which makes it easier to run the system live from RAM with the boot command knoppix toram – see below.

Knoppix-Exton uses only the LXDE Desktop – screenshot. Study all installed packages in Knoppix-Exton as of 191211. You can of course add (or remove) packages even while running the system live. Use Synaptic for that. Kernel 5.3.5 is used in KNOPPIX 8.6.1/Knoppix-Exton.

Install Knoppix-Exton (KNOPPIX 8.6.1) to hard drive
KNOPPIX uses Grub Legacy as boot loader. So if you already have Grub2 installed you should avoid installing Grub when installing Knoppix-Exton. Just add start lines for Knoppix-Exton in /boot/grub/grub.cfg (in the system where you have installed Grub2). The installation program is started from the Menu –> Knoppix –> KNOPPIX HD Install – watch this screenshot.

Install Knoppix-Exton (KNOPPIX 8.6.1) to a USB stick with no persistence
Use Rufus 3.8 in Windows. It will look like this – see below.

Install/flash Knoppix-Exton (KNOPPIX 8.6.1) to a USB stick with persistence
Burn the Knoppix-Exton ISO to a DVD and start up your computer from it. Or use the USB stick created with Rufus and flash Knoppix-Exton on another USB stick. Note that you can run Knoppix-Exton live first and change everything to your liking. After that all your changes will be transferred to the USB stick if you use the “Flash Knoppix” alternative. See screenshots below.
1. GParted is started just to be sure of the correct device to install to.
2. I’m running Knoppix-Exton from /dev/sdb1. The install target is /dev/sdc (SanDisk Cruzer Contour).

Syslinux is used as boot loader when you use the “Flash Knoppix” alternative. Note that you can use this alternative also when installing KNOPPIX/Knoppix-Exton in VirtualBox or VMware. Then your whole virtual hard disk will be used. Watch this screenshot when I have installed Knoppix-Exton to hard drive in VirtualBox.

KNOPPIX cheatcodes/boot codes
When starting KNOPPIX/Knoppix-Exton live (from a DVD or USB stick) you can use certain boot commands. The command knoppix toram is just an example. Study all cheatcodes…
As you can see you can start KNOPPIX in certain languages: knoppix lang=ch|cn|de|da|es|fr|it|nl|pl|ru|sk|tr|tw|us

Using Samba to connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network
Just open the file manager PCManFM and go to (for example smb:// as this screenshot shows. You’ll find the correct IP-address by opening a Command Prompt in Windows and running the command ipconfig.

Why a remaster of KNOPPIX 8.6.1?
KNOPPIX 8.6.1 is the best Knoppix version ever. Knoppix was my very first Linux system to remaster many years ago. Nostalgia!

Knoppix-Exton can’t be downloaded anymore. The system a bit outdated by now (230924). I’ve decided to abandon this project. Latest version of KNOPPIX is 9.2 from April 2021.

Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 4 and  Pi 3/2 at raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd 15 (with GAPPS), RaspAnd 14 (also with GAPPS), 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!



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