Tag Archives: Android 10

Run Android 10 on your PC :: AndEX 10 (Android-x86_64) with GAPPS (Google Play Store etc.), Aurora Store, Mint Browser, Google Maps, Google Earth, Mac OS Style Launcher and Spotify :: Build 210402

NEWS 210402 – A new version of AndEX 10 is ready!
I’ve uploaded a new version of AndEX 10 – andex-10-x86_64-gapps-aurora-spotify-1150mb-210402.iso. All included apps have been updated to the latest version. Also Google Play Services and Google Play Store.

Upgrade from previous versions of AndEX 10?

If you already have AndEX 10 version 201027, 200108, 200218, 200225 or 200604 up and running there is no need to acquire the newest version from 210402. Just upgrade all apps to the latest version of today and you’re done! Use Google Play Store for that. You can of course also install for example Google Maps, Google Earth, YouTube, Gmail, Aurora Store, Spotify, Mint Browser and Google Play Games yourself (if you are running the AndEX 10 mini version of 200225).

NEWS 210402 about AndEX 10 with GAPPS
My fifth build of AndEX 10 is ready. It has GAPPS (Google Play Store etc), Google Maps, Google Earth, YouTube, Gmail, Aurora Store, Spotify, Mint Browser. Launcher for Mac OS Style and many other apps pre-installed. This build of Android x86_64 10 – andex-10-x86_64-gapps-aurora-spotify-1150mb-210402.iso – can be installed to hard drive or on a USB stick. You can also run the system live. I.e. from a DVD or a USB stick. On some computers you’ll have to start up AndEX 10 in compatibility mode (VESA) though. The sound and video performance is generally very very good. Google Play Store works very well in this build of AndEX 10. So does the YouTube and Spotify app. I’ve also included one extra app store – Aurora Store. Use it if you can’t find the app you’re looking for using Google Play Store.

My new compiled Android-x86_64 system (10) can run and be installed on almost all newer laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. You can also run AndEX 10 in VirtualBox and/or VMware. I can also mention that I could run my new 10 version on a HP All-in-One PC (with a touch screen), HP Pavilion 500-317no Desktop Computer and on a Lenovo ThinkStation C30. You can very easy do a “normal” or manual installation to hard drive. A manual installation can also be done to a drive where you already have another Linux system (for example Ubuntu 20.04.2) installed. Read more about how to install AndEX 10 on the INFO site.

Screenshot 1 – AndEX 10 Desktop 210402 with GAPPS + extra apps
Screenshot 2 – AndEX 10 first Desktop after boot
Screenshot 3 – AndEX 10 showing some pre-installed apps
Screenshot 4 – AndEX 10 – Desktop after boot in VirtualBox
Screenshot 5AndEX 10 – Running Google Play Store
Screenshot 6 – AndEX 10 – Running Aurora Store
Screenshot 7 – AndEX 10 – AIDA64 running


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

Run Android 10 on your PC :: AndEX 10 (Android-x86_64) with GAPPS (Google Play Store etc.), F-Droid, Brave Browser, VLC, Computer Launcher 2 and Spotify :: Build 201027

NEWS 201027 – A new version of AndEX 10 is ready!
I’ve uploaded a new upgraded version of AndEX 10 – android_x86_64-10-exton-gapps-aptoide-fdroid-spotify-1330mb-201027.iso. All included apps have been updated to the latest version. Also Google Play Services and Google Play Store. The ISO file is of only 1330 MB! Makes it easier to run AndEX on computers with low RAM. The very nice launcher Computer Launcher 2 is used in this AndEX version. Make it your standard Launcher. (Surprise your friends with new look style windows 11 of your Android). Version 201027 of AndEX 10 is a totally new build with a new kernel – 4.19.122-exton-android-x86_64. I’ve noticed that the WiFi connection works better with this new kernel. I.e. the connection is more stable .

Upgrade from previous versions of AndEX 10?
If you already have AndEX 10 version 200108, 200218, 200225 or 200604 up and running there is no need to acquire the newest version from 201027. Just upgrade all apps to the latest version of today and you’re done! Use Google Play Store for that. You can of course also install for example YouTube, Brave, the Spotify app and Google Play Games yourself (if you are running the AndEX 10 mini version of 200225).

NEWS 201027 about AndEX 10 with GAPPS
My fifth build of AndEX 10 is ready. It has GAPPS (Google Play Store etc), Aptoide App Manager, F-Droid, Spotify, Google Maps, YouTube, Gmail, VLC, Brave Private Browser, Computer Launcher 2 and many other apps pre-installed. My new build of Android x86_64 10 – android_x86_64-10-exton-gapps-aptoide-fdroid-spotify-1330mb-201027.iso can be installed to hard drive or on a USB stick. You can also run the system live. I.e. from a DVD or a USB stick. On some computers you’ll have to start up AndEX 10 in compatibility mode (VESA) though. The sound and video performance is generally very very good. Google Play Store works very well in this build of AndEX 10. So does the YouTube and Spotify app. I’ve also included two extra app stores – Aptoide App Manager and F-Droid. Use them if you can’t find the app you’re looking for using Google Play Store.

My new compiled Android-x86_64 system (10) can run and be installed on almost all newer laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. You can also run AndEX 10 in VirtualBox and/or VMware. Unfortunately with somewhat bad performance. I.e. the system is a bit slow and it might restart. I can also mention that I could run my AndEX 10 on a HP Pavilion 500-317no Desktop Computer and on a Lenovo ThinkStation C30. You can very easy do a “normal” or manual installation to hard drive. A manual installation can also be done to a drive where you already have another Linux system (for example Ubuntu 20.04) installed.

About Netflix
You can’t run Netflix. The Netflix app works in my AndEX 9 Pie Build 190912, AndEX Oreo Build 181028 and AndEX Marshmallow Build 170923 though. AndEX 10 is rooted, which prevents Netflix from running.

Screenshot 1 – AndEX 10 Desktop 201027 with GAPPS
Screenshot 2 – AndEX 10 201027 running Google Play Store
Screenshot 3 – AndEX 10 201027 Desktop with another wallpaper
Screenshot 4 – AndEX 10 201027 – shows how to access files from a PC in your Network
Screenshot 5 – AndEX 10 Build 201027 running AIDA64
Screenshot 6 – AndEX 10 Build 201027 running VLC with very good video quality

Watch a movie showing the “normal” install process (in VirtualBox)…


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 11 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

RaspAnd 10 (Android 10) for Raspberry Pi 4 – Build 200814 – with Firefox, Spotify, Clash of Clans, SkyTube, Aptoide App Manager and F-Droid

RaspAnd 10 for Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 B and Pi 3 B+ :: Build 200814 :: with Firefox, Spotify, Clash of Clans, SkyTube, Aptoide App Manager “Independent Android App Store”) and F-Droid – “Free and Open Source Android App Repository”

NEWS 200814
I’ve made a new extra version of RaspAnd 10 with some extra apps pre-installed.

ABOUT RaspAnd 10 – Build 200809 and 200814
RaspAnd 10 runs very well on a Raspberry Pi 4, 3 Model B and 3 Model B+. I.e. the system is pretty responsive if you use a micro SD card of good quality. RaspAnd 10 has the following apps pre-installed: Firefox, Spotify, Aptoide App Manager, F-Droid, Aida64 and ES File Explorer. Unfortunately not Google Play Store, but Aptoide and F-Droid work as good replacements for it. NOTE 200814: In RaspAnd 10 Build 200814 I’ve added the following apps: Lucid Launcher, Clash of Clans (still very popular), App Manager, SkyTube (An open-source YouTube app for Android) and jQuarks (LineageOS Jelly Browser with ads blocker).

1. The Desktop after first boot if Lucid Launcher (pre-installed) is used
2. The Desktop when a wallpaper is used


Run Android 10 on your PC :: AndEX 10 (Android-x86_64) with GAPPS (Google Play Store etc.), F-Droid, Brave Browser and Spotify :: Build 200604, 200225, 200218 and 200108

NEWS 200604 – A new version of AndEX 10 is ready!
I’ve uploaded a new upgraded version of AndEX 10 andex-10-x86_64-gapps-BIG-1080mb-200604.iso. All included apps have been updated to the latest version. Also Google Play Services and Google Play Store. The ISO file is of only 1080 MB! Makes it easier to run AndEX on computers with low RAM. I have replaced the Brave Browser with Mint Browser, which also is an excellent Web Browser in many ways. The very nice launcher 3D Live Launcher is used also in this AndEX version. Make it your standard Launcher. Version 200604 of AndEX 10 is a totally new build with a new kernel – 4.19.122-exton-android-x86_64. I’ve noticed that the WiFi connection works better with this new kernel. I.e. the connection is more stable. This build works very well also in VirtualBox and VMware. You can even use the very nice launcher 3D Live Launcher and also change wallpapers to your liking – screenshot.

Fourth Build of AndEX 10
This is my fourth build of AndEX 10. When downloading Build 200604 you will also get the other three previous versions. They are all somewhat special.

MORE ABOUT AndEX 10 Build 200604
My new compiled Android-x86_64 system (10) can run and be installed on almost all newer laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. You can also run AndEX 10 in VirtualBox and/or VMware. I can also mention that I could run my new 10 version on a HP Pavilion 500-317no Desktop Computer and on a Lenovo ThinkStation C30. You can very easy do a “normal” or manual installation to hard drive. A manual installation can also be done to a drive where you already have another Linux system (for example Ubuntu 20.04) installed.

Android 10 was released 190903.

Screenshot 1 – AndEX 10 Desktop 200604 with GAPPS and many other apps pre-installed
Screenshot 2 – AndEX 10 Build 200604 running Google Play Store
Screenshot 3 – AndEX 10 Build 200604 Desktop after first boot
Screenshot 4 – AndEX 10 Build 200604 running AIDA64
Screenshot 5 – AndEX 10 Build 200604 running in VirtualBox


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at

raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

Run Android 10 on your PC :: AndEX 10 (Android-x86_64) with GAPPS (Google Play Store etc.), F-Droid, Brave Browser and Spotify :: Build 200218

NEWS 200218 – A new version of AndEX 10
I’ve uploaded a new upgraded version of AndEX 10 – andex-10-x86_64-gapps-fdroid-spotify-1180mb-200218.iso. I.e. all included apps have been updated to the latest version. Also Google Play Services and Google Play Store. The main reason for this new version is that I discovered that Google Chrome couldn’t run anymore. I have therefore replaced Google Chrome with Brave, which is an excellent Web Browser in many ways. At the same time I discovered a new very nice launcher – 3D Live Launcher. So it is of course included in AndEX Build 200218. Make it your standard Launcher. I’ve also added the app Google Play Games. Makes it easier to run games in AndEX.

Upgrade from version 200108 to 200218?
If you already have AndEX version 200108 up and running there is no need to acquire the new version. Just upgrade all apps to the latest version of today and you’re done! Use Google Play Store for that. You can of course also install Brave, the 3D Live Launcher and Google Play Games yourself.

READ MORE or download the ISO directly…

AndEX 10 (Android-x86) runs very well on the Intel Compute Stick

AndEX 10 (Android-x86) Build 200108 with GAPPS (Google Play Store etc.) runs very well on the Intel Compute Stick. See how it looks (photo) when I use a 55 Inch TV.

Read about Intel Compute Sticks…

This is what I wrote on December 3, 2016: I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 16.5 LXQt for the Intel Compute Stick. Build 161203 is only for Intel Compute Sticks. I.e. you can’t run the system on other computers. Build 161203 uses “my” kernel 4.8.0-26-exton-IntelAtom with special patches, which I have Linuxium to thank for. READ MORE…

Kernel patches isn’t needed anymore, which means that any Linux system can be installed to the stick. For example ExTiX LXQt and AndEX 10.

About AndEX 10
I knew from before that ExTiX runs very well on the Compute Stick. Today I decided to test it with AndEX 10. And guess what? Also AndEX works very well! You can run it live (from a USB stick) or install it (which I did). AndEX 10 Build 200108 has GAPPS (Google Play Store etc), Aptoide App Manager, F-Droid, SpotifyAngry Birds and many other apps pre-installed. Those apps are fun to run on a BIG TV screen.

1. The AndEX Desktop
2. Showing system INFO
3. AIDA64 running

Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

Run Android 10 on your PC :: AndEX 10 (Android-x86_64) with GAPPS (Google Play Store etc.), F-Droid, Aptoide, Google Chrome and Spotify :: Build 200108

NEWS 200108 about AndEX 10 with GAPPS
My first build of AndEX 10 is ready. It has GAPPS (Google Play Store etc), Aptoide App Manager, F-Droid, SpotifyAngry Birds and many other apps pre-installed. My new build of Android x86_64 10 – andex-10-x86_64-gapps-fdroid-aptoide-chrome-1240mb-200108.iso can be installed to hard drive or on a USB stick. You can also run the system live. I.e. from a DVD or a USB stick. On some computers you’ll have to start up AndEX 10 in compatibility mode (VESA) though. The sound and video performance is generally very very good. Google Play Store works very well in this build of AndEX 10. So does the YouTube and Spotify app. I’ve also included two extra app stores – Aptoide App Manager and F-Droid. Use them if you can’t find the app you’re looking for using Google Play Store.

Screenshot – AndEX 10 Build 200108 – the Desktop with many nice apps installed. The apps Facebook, Opera, Fishing Clash, Clash of Clans and CSR Racing 2 are not preinstalled, but they run very well in this AndEX build. Just go to Google Play and install them! (Once you have installed AndEX 10 to hard drive).

My new compiled Android-x86_64 system (10) can run and be installed on almost all newer laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. You can also run AndEX 10 in VirtualBox and/or VMware. Unfortunately with bad video performance and distorted colors – screenshot. I can also mention that I could run my new 10 version on a HP Pavilion 500-317no Desktop Computer and on a Lenovo ThinkStation C30. Also with bad video performance and distorted colors. You can very easy do a “normal” or manual installation to hard drive. A manual installation can also be done to a drive where you already have another Linux system (for example Ubuntu 19.10) installed. Read more about how to install AndEX 10 on the INFO site.

Android 10 was released 190903.

As far as I know there is no other Android-x86_64 10 system out there. At least not with GAPPS included.

Screenshot 1 – AndEX 10 Desktop 200108 with GAPPS
Screenshot 2 – AndEX 10 running Google Play Store
Screenshot 3 – AndEX 10 running Aptoide App Manager
Screenshot 4 – AndEX 10 running F-Droid
Screenshot 5 – AndEX 10 running the YouTube
Screenshot 6 – AndEX 10 showing all apps
Screenshot 7 – AndEX 10 running Angry Birds
Screenshot 8 – AndEX 10 running Drag Racing
Screenshot 9 – AndEX 10 running 3D Chess
Screenshot 10 – AndEX 10 Fishing Clash
Screenshot 11 – AndEX 10 running CSR Racing 2


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0  (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!