Category Archives: Raspberry Pi systems

Run Raspberry Pi’s PIXEL Desktop on a PC or Mac – an Exton modified Build 180928 with Refracta Tools (so you can create your own Debian Pixel system)

NEWS 180928 about Raspberry Pi Debian Pixel – 32bit – an Exton Build
My second Debian Pixel Build from is from 170428 . My third build is from 180316. Study all included packages – latest by 180928. I’ve added NetworkManager and also Wicd, which makes it easier to configure wireless connections. Choose the one which works for you.

NEWS 180920 – a YouTube video about Debian Pixel
I’ve discovered a YouTube video about my Debian Pixel Build 170425. The video is called Debian Pixel..Exton forks it for you..
This video is of course also valid for Build 180928. By watching the video you can learn a lot about Debian Pixel’s features.

Most important changes in Build 180928
This build replaces version 161223 , 170425 and 180316 . I’ve upgraded Raspbian/Debian from Jessie to Stretch – Debian stable. I’ve also upgraded the kernel from 3.16.0-4-686-pae to 4.9.0-9-686-pae. I’ve also included kernel 4.9.0-9-686, which shall be used on older computers. PAE (Physical Address Extension) increases the physical memory addressable by the system from 4 GB to 64 GB. Firefox have been installed so you’ll have a browser when logged in as root. You can’t run Chromium as root. Another good thing about Firefox is that you can use it to watch Netflix movies.


On December 22, 2016 I read that the Raspberry Pi Foundation had announced the release of a new PIXEL image that can be booted on a PC or Mac. Study this site. I saw immediately that there was no installer included, which I thought was a little disappointing. Come to think of Refracta tools, which work very well in Debian and Ubuntu. I quickly made a “remix” of the Raspberry Pi Foundation PIXEL image. My remix thus include Refracta tools. This means that you can easily install the system to hard drive and you can just as easily make your own remix of the Raspberry Pi Foundation PIXEL image. I’ve added a few packages. Most important Synaptic, which I find essential.

About the PIXEL Desktop
Raspbian had its biggest update ever in September, 2016, thanks to a dazzling new desktop environment called PIXEL. Raspbian with PIXEL (which stands for “Pi Improved Xwindow Environment, Lightweight”) is a huge software update to the desktop environment. It introduces a crisp new interface, and is brimming with new programs and features.

VirtualBox and VMware
My build/image works very well in VirtualBox and VMware. I.e. you can run the system directly from the ISO file and also install it to a virtual hard drive. You can of course also make your own Raspbian/Debian system with the the PIXEL Desktop using Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed).

Kernel 4.9.0-9-686-pae is used in Build 180928. PAE (Physical Address Extension) increases the physical memory addressable by the system from 4 GB to 64 GB. If you want to run the system (which is 32bit) on older computers you shall use kernel 4.9.0-9-686, which also is included.

Login and passwords
Log in to the PIXEL Desktop as the ordinary user pi or as root. The passwords are raspberrypi respectively root. When logged in as pi you can use Sudo to become root. (Command: sudo su). When running Debian Pixel live (from a DVD or a USB stick) you’ll end up (after the boot process) logged in automatically as the user pi in X (PIXEL Desktop).

Runs from RAM
Another great thing is that this build can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 3 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or the USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run the system that way. I.e. superfast!

Important about Refracta
You can use the Refracta tools (pre-installed) to create your own installable Debian PIXEL system once you have installed my build to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Debian live system. Start Refracta from Menu >> System tools >> Refracta snapshot. You don’t even have to install my build to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Debian PIXEL system while running my build from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO file) will only take 20 – 60 min! Please edit the configuration file /etc/refractasnapshot.conf first. Change line 45 and 46. I.e. decide where you want the ISO file to be build. The whole thing is very simple. NOTE: You can also do everything in VirtualBox or VMware. Use FileZilla (pre-installed) to transfer your new ISO file to your server.

Install to Debian PIXEL hard drive
Just start Refracta Installer from Menu >> System tools >> Refracta Installer and follow the instructions. Very simple.

Install Debian PIXEL to a USB stick
You can use Rufus in Windows. Persistence can’t be enabled though. You can also use UNetbootin in Windows or Linux. The best way to do it is to burn Debian PIXEL to a DVD, start up the system from the DVD and then use Refracta Installer for the installation. Choose to install Grub in MBR on /dev/sdb. (Normally your USB stick, but check it carefully!) I.e. you will get a chance to choose between /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. This method will (of course) give you perfect persistence.

Watch the slideshow below showing the Refracta installation process in Debian PIXEL.

Screenshot 1 – Samba running (reach your Windows computers in your network)
Screenshot 2 – Refracta Snapshot has started
Screenshot 3 – Refracta Installer has started in VMware
Screenshot 4 – Wireless connection with NetworkManager and Wicd (installed in Build 170425, 180316 and 180928)
Screenshot 5 – Wifi connection using NetworkManager – in detail

This build of Debian PIXEL has been replaced by Build 190705…
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation

RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Model B+ – Build 180717 – with Google Play Store, Aptoide TV and TeamViewer

NEWS 180717: My build of RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 is ready. It’s the first RaspAnd build with Android Oreo 8.1 and the first RaspAnd build to work on the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. All installed apps (including Google Play Services and Google Play Store) have been updated to the latest available version by 180717. Read about all other included apps below. While downloading RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 Build 180717 you will also get RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 180529, which works much better than RaspAnd Oreo 8.1.

NEWS later 180717: I’ve also uploaded a mini version of RaspAnd Oreo 8.1. It has only the absolute necessary apps pre-installed. I. e. GAPPS (Google Play Services with Google Play Store) and a Browser – Via Browser (Fast and Light – Geeks Best Choice). Watch a screenshot showing all installed apps in the mini version of RaspAnd Oreo. The mini version of RaspAnd Oreo is somewhat faster than the “big” version. The advantage is also that you can install the apps you really need. REMEMBER: The fewer apps you have installed the faster RaspAnd will run.

RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 Build 180717 is an Android 8.1 Oreo system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Model B+. I have included the following apps.
1) GAPPS (Google Play Services with Google Play Store) in latest versions.
2) Spotify is not installed. Install version 4.6 via Google Play Store. It works very well!
3) Google Play Games (needed for for example Clash of Clans to run)
4) TeamViewer  – control other computers from your Rpi3!
5) Via Browser
6) Firefox
7) CM Browser
8) Aptoide TV  (for installing new apps which can’t be found on Google Play Store – many many apps can be installed!)
9) ES File Explorer working very well
10) AIDA64
11) Termux 0.60 – a very special terminal. (Use the APT package manager!)
12) Quick Reboot Pro 1.8.4
13) YouTube – unfortunately not all videos will run or they will run with bad video or sound quality (especially if you use the whole screen)

RaspAnd Oreo’s boot animation
Slideshow – showing RaspAnd’s boot procedure (for RaspAnd Nougat, but…)
Screenshot 2 – RaspAnd’s Desktop
Screenshot 3 – showing all installed apps
Screenshot 4 – Google Play Store running
Screenshot 5 – Spotify running
Screenshot 6 – TeamViewer running and controlling my PC
Screenshot 7 – Developer options
Screenshot 8 – Quick Reboot Pro running
Screenshot 9 – showing all installed apps and extra apps
Screenshot 10 – AIDA64 running
Screenshot 11 – YouTube running with perfect video and sound quality – the small picture/video down to the right


RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (not B+) – Build 180707 – with Google Play Store, Aptoide TV and TeamViewer

NEWS 180707: My build of RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 is ready. It’s the first RaspAnd build with Android Oreo 8.1. All installed apps (including Google Play Services and Google Play Store) have been updated to the latest available version by 180707. Read about all other included apps below. While downloading RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 Build 180707 you will also get RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 180529, which works much better than RaspAnd Oreo 8.1.

RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 Build 180707 can be used with the official Raspberry Pi 7 inch touchscreen and Big TV Screens

Thanks to a member on this site who asked for support for the Raspberry Pi official 7 inch touchscreen I started to experiment with different configurations. Success!

Experimental Build
Build 180707
of RaspAnd can be downloaded for free by those who have purchased RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 180529 (and previous versions of RaspAnd 7.1.2). That’s because RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 can be considered as “experimental”. It doesn’t work as good as RaspAnd Nougat. Fewer monitors/TV screens can be used and the performance is slower. You must be aware of the fact that the Raspberry Pi 3 computer has its limitations and that Android Oreo 8.1 is a very advanced Linux system.


RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 Build 180707 is an Android 8.1 Oreo system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. RaspAnd can not yet run on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. I have included the following apps.
1) GAPPS (Google Play Services with Google Play Store) in latest versions.
2) Spotify is not installed. Install version 4.6 via Google Play Store. It works very well!
3) Google Play Games (needed for for example Clash of Clans to run)
4) TeamViewer  – control other computers from your Rpi3!
5) Jelly Browser
6) Aptoide TV  (for installing new apps which can’t be found on Google Play Store – many many apps can be installed!)
7) ES File Explorer working very well
8) AIDA64
9) Termux 0.60 – a very special terminal. (Use the APT package manager!)
10) Quick Reboot Pro 1.8.4
11) YouTube – unfortunately not all videos will run.

ABOUT Android 8.1
Version 8.1 is the latest Android system by now. Released on December 5, 2017.

RaspAnd Oreo’s boot animation
Slideshow – showing RaspAnd’s boot procedure (for RaspAnd Nougat, but…)
Screenshot 2 – RaspAnd’s Desktop
Screenshot 3 – showing all installed apps
Screenshot 4 – Google Play Store running
Screenshot 5 – Spotify running
Screenshot 6 – TeamViewer running and controlling my PC
Screenshot 7 – Developer options

KNOWN ISSUES re. RaspAnd Build 180707
1. Not all apps will run in RaspAnd Oreo. You can for example run the popular (?) Clash of Clans very well, but not Angry Birds. Many many apps will run without problems though.
2. You can’t run Netflix.
3. Bluetooth doesn’t work.
4. RaspAnd Oreo can not yet run on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.


RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (not B+) – Build 180529 – with Google Play Store, Kodi 18.0-ALPHA2, Aptoide TV, Bluetooth and TeamViewer working very well

NEWS 180529: A new version of RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 is ready. It is basically an update of RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 171220. All installed apps (including Google Play Services and Google Play Store) have been updated to the latest available version by 180529. Kodi has been updated from 17.6 to 18.0-ALPHA2 Leia – released 180421. The screen flickering which could occur when running Kodi 17.6 is now (almost) gone. Read about all other included apps below.

RaspAnd 7.1.2 Build 180529 can be used with the official Raspberry Pi 7 inch touchscreen and Big TV Screens

Thanks to a member on this site who asked for support for the Raspberry Pi official 7 inch touchscreen I started to experiment with different configurations. Success!

Need to update?
Build 180529
of RaspAnd can be downloaded by those who have purchased Build 171220 (and previous versions of RaspAnd 7.1.2). No need to reinstall RaspAnd if you have Build 171220 up and running. I.e. all GAPPS will be updated automatically via Google Play Store all the time.

NEWS 180529 ABOUT RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 with Google Play Store (and everything else!) working

RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 180529 has GAPPS installed and Google Play Store working. Bluetooth works and you can use TeamViewer to control other computers from your Rpi3. RaspAnd can be installed in Windows using Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher. The video performance is generally much better than in previous versions. Your Wifi connection is stable and it will reconnect after every reboot of your Rpi3.

Slideshow – showing RaspAnd’s boot procedure…

RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 180529 is an Android 7.1.2 Nougat system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. RaspAnd can not yet run on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. I have included the following apps.
1) GAPPS (Google Play Services with Google Play Store in latest versions. (12.6.85 and 10.1.08-all) – released 180526
2) Kodi 18.0-ALPHA2 (latest version which allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the Internet. YouTube is enabled and working very well!)
3) Spotify is not installed. Install version 4.6 via Google Play Store. It works very well!
4) Google Play Games (needed for for example Clash of Clans to run)
5) TeamViewer 13.1.8817 – control other computers from your Rpi3!
6) Jelly Browser 7.1.2 – use it to watch YouTube etc.
7) Aptoide TV 4.0.2 (for installing new apps which can’t be found on Google Play Store – many many apps can be installed!) – released 180505
8) ES File Explorer working very well
9) Chess 2.4.0
10) AIDA64 1.51
11) Termux 0.60 – a very special terminal. (Use the APT package manager!)
12) Quick Reboot Pro 1.8.4

Slideshow – showing RaspAnd’s boot procedure
Screenshot 2 – RaspAnd’s Desktop
Screenshot 3 – Google Play Store running
Screenshot 4 – Spotify running
Screenshot 5 – YouTube running in Jelly Browser with perfect video quality
Screenshot 6 – Aptoide TV running
Screenshot 7 – TeamViewer running and controlling my PC
Screenshot 8 – Kodi running
Screenshot 9 – Rpi3 connected to mobile phone by Bluetooth
Screenshot 10 – Developer options
Screenshot 11 – The Desktop when the Raspberry Pi official 7″ touchscreen is used (RaspAnd Build 171220)
Screenshot 12 – Running YouTube in the Jelly Browser when the touchscreen is used (RaspAnd Build 171220)
Screenshot 13 – The Desktop when a Samsung 55″ TV is used as monitor (RaspAnd Build 171220)

Most important changes in Build 180529: Your Wifi connection will be stable and Bluetooth works for the very first time in my RaspAnd 7.1.2 builds. The video performance in Kodi 18.0 is better than in version 17.6. NOTE also: Build 180529 is (almost) perfect in every aspect considering that the Rpi3 computer has its limitations. Running RaspAnd Build 180529 you can use the Raspberry Pi official 7 inch touchscreen and very Big TV screens.


RaspArch Build 180402 :: Run Arch Linux on your new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ computer :: Install using Win32 Disk Imager in Windows!

rasparch-logoThis version (180402) is my sixth build of RaspArch
The first version is from 150414. The second is from 151107. The third is from 160312 specially made for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The fourth version is from 161205. The fifth version is from 171102. This version (180402) is especially made for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

RaspArch is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of 231 MB. After I have added the LXDE Desktop environment, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yaourt and Gimp the system increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B computer.

Most important change in version 180402: Use Win32 Disk Imager
This version can be installed in Windows using Win32 Disk Imager. Previous versions could only be installed when running a Linux system. Using Win32 Disk Imager has one disadvantage though. Only about 1GB can be used as data storage no matter which card you use. The system is of 3GB and the system partition of 4GB. If you use a card of 32GB about 28GB will be unused. Yesterday a member on this site wrote about how to get rid of the 1GB limit after Win32 Disk Imager has been used:
– write the image with Win32 Disk Imager
– start up Ubuntu or another Linux system – you can also use a Linux Live CD/USB stick
– start GParted – screenshot before resizing
– resize the DATA partition – screenshot after resizing
– done!
This screenshot shows that RaspArch now has about 25GB free storage.

NEWS in RaspArch Build 180402
A new kernel – 4.14.31-1-ARCH. All included packages have been updated to the latest version as of 180402. I have added support for Yaourt – a Pacman Fronted. I have also installed PulseAudio. Finally the sound works very well in RaspArch. Nice if you like YouTube. Note: To be able to install Yaourt I had to install a lot of development tools.

The Raspberry Pi 3 model B made in February 2016. It has a 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU and 1GB RAM. The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ was out on the market March 14, 2018. The Pi 3 Model B+ packs a 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex A53 CPU made by Broadcom, dual-band 802.11ac wireless LAN support, Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity, and Gigabit Ethernet support over USB 2.0 connectivity (that’s up to 300Mbps).

Raspberry Pi 3 Model 3 B+: How much better is it than the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B? The tiny computer is supposed to be faster and better in every way, including upgraded processor speed, wireless internet, and Ethernet connections.

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop
– YouTube running
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – Wicd running
Screenshot 3 – Yaourt running (while installing Geany)


RaspEX especially for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ – based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – with OpenCPN 4.99.0 pre-installed ::: Build 180331

RaspEX – Build 180331 based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – with OpenCPN 4.99.0 (latest version) – especially made for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

OpenCPN is a free software (GPLv2) project to create a concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and refinement.

This build (180331) replaces build 160703. Ubuntu has been upgraded to version 18.04 LTS and OpenCPN to version 4.99.0 – latest. Build 180331 is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

ABOUT RaspEX Build 180331
RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Model B+ and Pi 2 model B. It is based on Debian Stretch (Debian 9), Bionic Beaver (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (180331) I’ve installed OpenCPN 4.99.0 from source. (You can’t yet find OpenCPN 4.99.0 in any software repositories).

Read this OpenCPN Review….

Raspberry Pi 3 Model 3 B+: How much better is it than the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B? The tiny computer is supposed to be faster and better in every way, including upgraded processor speed, wireless internet, and Ethernet connections.

1. RaspEX version 180331 running OpenCPN as the ordinary user raspex
2. RaspEX version 180331 running OpenCPN as root
3. OpenCPN 4.4.0 running on the 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi (old version OpenCPN)
4. OpenCPN 4.4.0 – Boston (old version OpenCPN)
5. OpenCPN World Map (old version of OpenCPN)
6. OpenCPN Florida – Cape Canaveral (old version of OpenCPN)
7. OpenCPN New York – Approaches to New York (old version of OpenCPN)
8. OpenCPN Stockholm Archipelago (old version of OpenCPN)

Compatibility :: March 2018
Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and 2 Model B will run on the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ computer. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 and RaspArch. I have until now (180331) only upgraded RaspEX and RaspEX with OpenCPN. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+…