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Exton|OS Light build 150202 :: Based on Ubuntu 15.04 with kernel 3.18.0-10-exton (3.18.3)

NEWS 150202 about Exton|OS Light Live CD – ISO file of 755 MB
I’ve made a new extra version of Exton|OS based on upcoming Ubuntu 15.04 (alias Vivid Vervet) 64 bit with only a minimum of packages pre-installed. Among them a terminal emulator (LXTerminal), a Web Browser (Chromium), PCManFM (file manager), NetworkManager, GParted (Partition Editor) and Synaptic (Package Manager). I give you the pleasure of installing all extra packages you need after a hard disk installation of Exton|OS Light. Use Synaptic for that. You can of course also install new packages while running the system live (from CD/USB stick), but nothing will be saved after a reboot. Unless you have followed my USB Install Instruction and used Boot alternative 2 – Persistent. If you have plenty of RAM you can even install big programs (such as LibreOffice) while running the system live even from CD. Exton|OS Light’s Window manager Openbox guarantees lightness and elegance.

This version of Exton|OS Light from 150202 replaces version 141007 of Exton|OS Light.

Exton|OS Light Live CD is based on upcoming Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet 64 bit (to be released in a stable version in April, 2015) and Debian Jessie. Exton|OS Light’s ISO file (of 755 MB!) a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to an USB pen drive. You can then even run Exton|OS from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! I’ve found two scripts which make the installation to USB very simple. The scripts are quite ingenious. My tests show that they work flawlessly on USB installations of all normal Ubuntu systems. Read my INSTRUCTION how to use the scripts.

All installed packages in Exton|OS Light have been updated to the latest available version as at February 2, 2015. Study the full package list.

My special kernel 3.18.0-18-exton, equivalent to’s stable kernel 3.18.3, released 150116.

Feature OVERVIEW for the Linux 3.18 kernel

See a screenshot of Exton|OS Light’s Openbox Desktop


ExLight Linux Live DVD 64 bit with Enlightenment 0.19.1 and kernel 3.18.0-10-exton

1. ExLight is now based on upcoming Ubuntu 15.04 (alias Vivid Vervet) and Debian Jessie.
2. I have upgraded the Desktop environment Enlightenment (Beauty at your fingertips) to version 0.19.1.
3. I have replaced kernel 3.16.0-21-exton with kernel 3.18.0-10-exton.
4. ExLight’s ISO file is now a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can then even run ExLight from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! I’ve found two scripts which make the installation to USB very simple. The scripts are quite ingenious. My tests show that they work flawlessly on USB installations of all normal Ubuntu systems. Read my INSTRUCTION how to use the scripts.
5. Another big improvement is that ExLight can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 3 (Copy to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run ExLight that way.
6. The installation program Ubiquity (live installer) is now working as intended in ExLight version 150126. I.e. a new user (your user) will be created during the installation process.
7. I have installed Nvidia Graphic driver 346.35.
8. The ISO file has decreased in size from 1200 MB to 768 MB. It means that the system will run faster from DVD or USB stick. When you run ExLight from RAM everything will be superfast!

Installed packages
The Desktop Environment is Enlightenment 0.19.1. (Beauty at your fingertips). Kernel 3.18.0-10-exton is used. (‘s kernel 3.18.3). Program content: Synaptic, GParted, Wicd, AbiWord, PCManFM, Google Chrome (for watching Netflix movies) and Gimp. Also some additions in order to install programs from source. Study the full program LIST. All packages have been updated to the latest available version as at January 26, 2015.

The system language is English.

See a screenshot of the Enlightenment 0.19.1 Desktop