ExTiX LXQt Mini with LXQt 0.14.1, Refracta Snapshot and kernel 5.6.2-exton :: Build 200404

NEWS 200404 ABOUT ExTiX LXQt Mini 20.4, Build 200404
Today I’ve found a patch, which make it possible to install Nvidia’s latest proprietary driver while using kernel 5.6.2 in ExTiX. I therefore had to build and release a new version of ExTiX LXQt Mini today. You can download and install “my” kernel 5.6.2-exton in any Ubuntu/Debian system if you want.  Download also the patch for Nvidia 440.64  (with instructions about how to apply the patch). NOTE: Nvidia’s driver will be used automatically if your computer has support for it.

NEWS 200402 ABOUT ExTiX LXQt Mini 20.4, Build 200402
I‘ve made a new “mini” version of ExTiXThe Ultimate Linux System. It is based on (upcoming) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa. The ISO file is now of 1050 MB, which is good if you want to run the system super fast from RAM. When the boot process is ready you can eject the DVD or USB stick. Use Boot alternative 2 or Advanced options… >> load to RAM. The best thing with ExTiX 20.4 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu 20.04 system. So easy that a ten year child can do it! ExTiX 20.4 uses the latest kernel – 5.6.2. Released by Kernel.org today.

Study all pre-installed packages in ExTiX 20.4.

What’s new in kernel 5.6? – The most exciting kernel in years!

Edit 200403
ExTiX 20.4 is now on the front page at DistroWatch.com. That will probably dramatically increase the download numbers – https://distrowatch.com/index.php?dataspan=1

ExTiX version 200404 using Nvidia’s driver
ExTiX LXQt Mini Desktop
ExTiX running Refracta Snapshot


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

4 thoughts on “ExTiX LXQt Mini with LXQt 0.14.1, Refracta Snapshot and kernel 5.6.2-exton :: Build 200404”

  1. Article 200403 about ExTiX LXQt Mini at 9to5Linux.com by Marius Nestor (previously at Softpedia.com)

    “ExTiX “The Ultimate Linux System” Gets a Mini Version Based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Linux 5.6

    ExTiX 20.4 is now available for download, and it’s the first release of the so-called “The Ultimate Linux System” distribution that’s based on the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) operating system.

    This is also the first release of this Ubuntu-based distribution to ship with the recently released Linux 5.6 kernel series (Linux kernel 5.6.2 is included by default) and a “Mini” version, which features the lightweight and modern LXQt desktop environment.”

    READ MORE: https://9to5linux.com/extix-the-ultimate-linux-system-gets-a-mini-version-based-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-and-linux-5-6

  2. Thanks for your distro. I’m sampling Extix 20.04 LXQt & Lubuntu 20.04 live.

    Extix 20.04 live USB w/ persistence via Rufus, default no network connectivity. connectivity established w/ sudo dhclient enp63s0 which reports also cmp: EOF on /tmp/tmpeipBLFvSIp which is empty.

    But after connectivity established, the network manager in the notification area still fails to provide any connection information; L click context menu is all gray; R click connection information provides connection information window which is empty.

    On Lubuntu 20.04 beta, the network manager connects to ethernet successfully and the connection information window is populated.

    Extix: does not have inxi in its default repos nor in any of the deb repos available to add w/ synaptic. Lub can add inxi from its repo/s (which includes universe). Extix cannot add the inxi repo because it doesn’t have add-apt-repository and it can’t add software -properties-common to get the add-apt-repository function.

    I want sticky keys, so I usually add xkbset to an LX desktop, but extix doesn’t have it (also in universe).

    Lubuntu uses Muon instead of Synaptic. To show repo/s it calls Software sources, but Extix doesn’t. I can’t add the universe repo in Extix w/ the command sudo add-apt-repository universe because add-apt-repository doesn’t work and I can’t add it with apt-get software-properties-common (unable to locate).

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