DebEX (Debian 8.6) KDE Live DVD with KDE 4.14.2 and kernel 4.8-rc8

debex-kde-netflix-161001-smallNEWS 161001 about DebEX KDE (Debian 8.6)
I have made a new version of DebEX KDE Live DVD. It replaces version 160604. It’s a pure Debian 8.6 system. I.e.: There are no Ubuntu or Kubuntu elements involved. DebEX KDE uses KDE 4.14.2 and KDE Plasma Desktop 5:84 as Desktop environment and kernel 4.8.0-18-exton (4.8-rc8). Kernel 4.8-rc8 is the latest available kernel by 161001. I have installed Nvidia’s proprietary graphics driver 370.28. Furthermore Google Chrome to make it possible to watch Netflix movies. I’ve also added SMPlayer – an alternative to Vlc. (SMPlayer is a free media player for Windows and Linux with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It doesn’t need any external codecs. Just install SMPlayer and you’ll be able to play all formats without the hassle to find and install codec packs). All other installed packages have also been updated to the latest version of 161001. Study the full package list.

Pic 1 and Pic 2


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